Hi, I’m Tri

I was born in Denver, Colorado on December 29, 1964. When I was young -like most children- I was very carefree. I was a typical boy, always getting into things and doing things I knew I shouldn’t. This got me into lots of trouble, very often. My father was a stern yet fair man who wanted me to grow up to be a productive and responsible man (like he was). Because of this, he had a low tolerance for my nonsense and downright hardheadedness. He was always swift to punish with a “nip it in the bud” attitude. Eventually, I gained some understanding of what was expected of me and decided to pay more attention to my ways. From that point forth I  began to study myself. I learned about myself at an early age. I knew my likes and dislikes, my strengths and weaknesses. I had a young, developing sense of personal growth and self-improvement that matured over the years as life’s lessons and challenges came and went.

I couldn’t resist showing a picture of Denver, Colorado. It is such a beautiful city!

SPIFE Inception

The second breakup between my wife of twenty years and me was (to say the least) a “tremendous challenge”. The aftermath was where the lessons and challenges began. First things first… I had to get back to me, myself, and I. I had to get back to Tri. I found myself living alone again at the age of fifty-two. My emotions were all over the place. I was happy without her and sad at the same time. I praised the dawning of my new life as I mourned the dusk of my old life. I wanted a mental and emotional change of scenery. I desired something new in my life. I decided that I needed to make more money and I wanted to do it from home.

It all began early one morning as I lay in my Las Vegas resort hotel bed. It was about three o’clock in the morning when I awoke to many exciting thoughts about the possibilities of my future life. I was in Vegas for an event that was to aid me in achieving my new, better life. When I first joined the company that produced the event, I had recently split up with my wife (a second time) and was searching for ways to make more money and be able to work from home. I also just needed a change. It was through this company that I was shown many different ways to make money online. I learned about e-commerce stores, creating funnels, email marketing, and the power of social media as a tremendous platform for advertisement. I experienced the wonders of a great seminar and how it can touch and positively motivate people. I was also introduced to several books that I hadn’t read, by authors I hadn’t heard of.

I found what appeared to fit my plan perfectly, “make money online, anywhere around the world”. This was the very first step toward my purpose. I failed to mention that I ended up spending way more money than I made, and the company eventually folded. Nevertheless, my purpose was discovered.

Pursuing My Purpose

After discovering my purpose, my desire to pursue and live it began to blossom. I could see it clearly and completely and I wanted it with compelling passion. I realized to live within my purpose, I would have to take on a new approach to my life. My purpose must become my life!

Need for Change

The old me was not capable of living this purpose nor equipped to pursue it.  I needed to change who I was to become the person who could attain this purpose. I knew what needed to be changed and what could or had to be done to make the changes. I would need to develop a mindset of perseverance and determination. I needed to become less distracted and more persistently focused. I knew I needed to make more money and live healthier. I had to gain a better understanding of who I am. I had to learn that our emotions make us who we are and, at the same time, can and (at times) must be kept under our control. I had to learn to accept my feelings and things I could not control and create ways to deal with them positively. I had to gain more knowledge about what could help me attain my purpose. I really wanted to improve my life in all aspects to make my quest towards my purpose more easily attainable. In my quest to attain my purpose, I became more in tune with myself and noticed how certain things would affect my mood or state of being. I observed how feeling happy made it easier to work out and how working out made me feel happy. I found that after meditating, my anxiety and stress levels dropped, and it was easier to focus on resolving the thing that was causing the anxiety and stress in the first place. Of course, getting some extra cash always made everything better… an unexpected expense, not so much. I noticed my different states as they were affected in different situations and how the effects influenced my other states. I learned that by improving one state I could indirectly improve another. I started eating better and dedicated myself to a scheduled workout routine. I started reading books on self-improvement and personal growth. I practiced meditation and communed with nature every chance I got. I read books on finance and ways to make my money work for me.

My plan came to life and slowly began to take shape. I was doing all the right things, but something was off. My actions lacked continuity. I realized this when a problem would arise, I would react differently to each problem depending on my state of being and which individual state was being affected. For instance, if I caught a cold I would focus on my physical state. When a money issue arose, I would focus on my financial state. However, I also noticed the better I felt with each individual state combined, the easier it was to solve the problem. I began to focus on that observation… all of my states working together as a whole. I developed ways to make each state better through different types of practices and exercises. I kept each state level as high as I could and let them work together as one complete or whole state of being. I found this made dealing with the issues much easier.  The more I applied this practice the better my life became. Then I realized, that by focusing on my whole state of being, I was actually focusing on myself as opposed to my problems. No wonder my life felt better!

Hence, the concept of SPIFE was born.