
Focus: [ foh-kuhs ]

I am going to go on a slight, yet important tangent from the main topic; SPIFE. However, this tangent is a necessary factor in achieving SPIFE optimization, personal growth, and all life accomplishments…


What is focus?

1. A central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity

2. Close attention or concentration

3. The ability to concentrate one’s attention or to sustain concentration


These are the dictionary’s definitions of focus. Let’s apply  that to your life. How does it affect your goals? More specifically, can your goals be achieved without it? You can/will only achieve what you focus on. This is a fundamental truth. For example, if you plan a trip to Chicago, but you focus on Denver. Where will you end up? If you want to be an architect, but you focus on law. What will you become?

Focus is vital! If you have a plan and know what your goal is, the goal must be your focus. Your entire being must be in one accord with one focus. Anything else is a distraction.

Distraction is the adversary of focus.

When you have a goal that you desperately want to achieve, the first step is to rid yourself of all distractions. It is that simple. This includes people and the relationships you have with them. There are some people in your life that are beneficial and others that are detrimental to your goals. The beneficial people will contribute to you achieving your goals. The detrimental people will distract you from your goals. There are other distractions also. A bad or unsatisfying job, an unsupportive living situation, or trying to hold onto something that you can’t afford like a house or car. The list of distractions is long and may vary from person to person. First, you must acknowledge your distractions. Secondly, you must learn to accept who or what fits into which category (beneficial or detrimental) and then decide what is most important, the distraction or the goal. This can be a difficult decision, but it is one you must make as the first, most crucial step towards achieving your goal.

Honestly, it is not that simple when it comes to people. We are social beings and form many attachments to many people. Some attachments last for years weather good or bad. It is not easy to detach from those long-time relationships. However, a personal choice must be made. You don’t have to completely sever ties, but maybe spend less time with that person. By the way, time away will give each person a chance to heal, which may allow for a possible fresh start or rejuvenation of that relationship later. Consider whether or not  you need time apart and choose what is best for you.